Sternberg Erich Walter

Erich Walter Sternberg was born in Berlin on May 31, 1891. After obtaining a law degree from Kiel University in 1919 he changed direction and studied composition with H. Leichtentritt and piano with H. Praetorius. Several of his works were introduced by leading German musicians (Berlin PO, Amar Quartet, Hermann Scherchen a.o.). Sternberg paid his first visit to Eretz Israel (Palestine) in 1925 and in 1932 settled permanently in Tel Aviv and started to teach at the Tel Aviv Conservatory. He also collaborated closely with Bronislaw Huberman in forming the Palestine Symphony Orchestra (later Israel PO). Sternberg served as Chairman of the Israeli branch of the ISCM between 1938-1954. He was twice awarded the Engel Prize (1946, 1960) and in 1971 he received the high order of merit from the President of the German Federal Republic. Sternberg died in Tel Aviv on December 15, 1974.

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